Keiji Harada

Collection: Keiji Harada

Collection: Keiji Harada

祖父・初代原田陶月、父・2代目原田陶月のもとで作陶を始める。ろくろや手捻り、たたら作りで花器、酒器、食器等を作成。焼成には登り窯を使用。 土味を重視し、作品によって陶土を使い分ける。

Ceramic history

Born in Inbe, Bizen City
Started making potter's wheel under his grandfather, the first Harada Togetsu, and his father, the second Harada Togetsu.
Emphasis is placed on clay, and pottery clay is used properly depending on the work.

Activity history

2005-2008"Harada Togetsu/Third Generation Exhibition"at Kurashiki Central Gallery

From 2011 at Kamado Hall, Sakaide City, Kagawa Prefecture

"Bizen ware young artist ceramics exhibition"

From 2016 at Tenmaya Kurashiki store

"Bizen ware exhibition I want to use now"

Membership of professional institutions

Bizen Potter's Association

Bizen Toshinkai

37 products