Akira Fujiwara

Collection: Akira Fujiwara

Collection: Akira Fujiwara


Ceramic history

Born in Nara prefecture
Enrolled in Kyoto Traditional Crafts College
Learn the basics of molding, glaze, sketching, overpainting, etc. from active potter teachers in 2 years
Joined Shigaraki ware kiln in Shiga prefecture
Studied under Bizen ware artist Shunichi Fujimi
Handmade climbing kiln in Wake-cho, Wake-gun, Okayama Prefecture and became independent

Bizen ware has various expressions such as sashimi, sesame, kiln change, and scarlet, but among them,"drawer black Bizen"that develops black color is made.
Drawer Black Bizen is molded using mountain soil to give a powerful and rough look, and the work is pulled out from a kiln at 1200 degrees with an iron rod and rapidly cooled to make the part where the ash melts a jet-black luster. , Made by a scientific reaction that causes the soil surface to turn silver. I am particular about digging the soil of the work to be made by hand from the mountain, and I would like to work hard on making pottery with the feeling of"creating"rather than the feeling of"making".

Solo exhibition history

Kurashiki Central Gallery

Tenmaya Kurashiki store

Osaka Hanshin Department Store

Ginza Mugen-an

Award calendar

Winner of the Traditional Crafts China Chapter Exhibition

Art Exhibition National Cultural Festival Encouragement Award

Membership of professional institutions

Bizen Potter's Association

Bizen Toshinkai

54 products